To my two regular readers: the next post exists to display video clips for reference by a potential employer. Feel free to disregard.
page 15Best. Vacation. Ever.
My vacation is hours from ending, but I have actually accomplished what I set out to do.
Firstly, I finished rewrites on the rom-com and sent it to an agent, as noted below.
Secondly, I banged out the last 86 pages of the book adaptation I started some time ago.
Finally, and most recently, I chopped a fairly ruthless 15 pages out of that script to get it under the 120-page marker.
Now it goes out to my trusted readers (and some new readers, hurray!). If they have major quarrels with it, there may be rewrites. Otherwise, or whenever the rewrites are done, I will have three quite solid feature scripts to toss at the semi-curious or, failing that, the merely unwary, once I move to LA.
Or whenever I might happen to meet them.
I can now focus my energies on getting my stupid house into shape to rent and trying to land a job in the movie business, however menial.
If only I had more vacation ….
April 6, 2008

… Even the Small Victories
I make my return with the preceding image. This is the copy of my rom-com that I just finished sending to a talent agency, one of three that requested it.
Celebrate even the small victories.
I took vacation this week to spend every day working on writerly things. Broadly, this means writing, although I did spend the last three hours proofreading, making copies, hole punching, and visiting the post office.
The rest of the week I’ll be working on my book adaptation. This is a change of plans, as I had been planning on writing the script for a movie to be shot on a nonexistent budget here in my own town.
But (here follows the other Big News) the wife and I are moving to LA, so now the plan is to finish this adaptation quickly so I have three truly solid scripts to flog around town.
Wish me luck.
April 1, 2008
Ah, Truisms.
I’m really starting to realize the validity of the idea that you should only write what you’re passionate about.
Plunk me down in the middle of a draft, two months into writing (since I have the discipline of a kitten), and I won’t have the faintest idea what the career implications of this project are.
I won’t remember why I started this stupid script. I won’t be able to think straight about whether I could use it to whip up any interest from an agent. Or a producer. Or anyone who matters.
The only thing I’ll be able to tell you is whether I’m enjoying what I’m doing. So it better be something I enjoy, or most of the motivation goes straight out the window.
There is the odd exception. Like that rom-com that I kept working on (and will continue to work on later) simply because it was such a beautiful, golden, commercial idea (with a correspondingly golden title) that I couldn’t justify not finishing it. But ordinarily, I’m going to have to be really stoked about what I’m doing, or despair quickly sets it.
Which is why this book adaptation is so great. In addition to being easy to write, as I’ve mentioned over and over and over, it’s just the kind of story I really like. It’s a movie I would race to the theater to see: dark, compelling, and full of veiled metaphysical ponderings.
My only regret about writing it is that I won’t be able to take any credit if it turns out to be great. All that credit will have to go straight to the author. *Sigh*
But if by some wild chance it got made, I would be so excited to see it. And that’s the kind of thing to write.
September 18, 2007
I Blame My Wife
Marriage kills your discipline. Well, that’s not true. It just gives you a million additional things to think about, so you never think about writing ever again. At least, not enough to do any.
So I blame my wife. :) 1
But actually, I do have 23 pages of the Nightmare book adaptation done. It’s going quite well, when it’s going. I loves me my adaptation. It’s like Michaelangelo and sculpting: I just cut away anything that isn’t the movie.
In other news, David gave me some notes on my rom-com, so once I’m done with the adaptation, I have somewhere else to go. I’m not going there yet, because I’m still a little sick of that script, but eventually I will have to give it some final attention.
And finally, I have made my first dollar as a screenwriter. Really. $1.00.
I’ve had a short script on for almost a year now, and after many other dead-end inquiries, these guys finally liked it enough to at least plan to produce it. There’s no money in shorts, so they were only willing to part with a dollar for it.
But I don’t care. It’s a production credit (hopefully). And it’s at least a tiny bit of validation. Writers need validation.
I’ve also noticed that adding an option (albeit a free one) to my profile on Inktip actually results in more hits for my other scripts. Thus, a “halo effect,” if you will.
That’s right: Shorts are the iPod of screenwriting, baby.
I’m such a geek.
Anyway, things are moving, if a little slowly. And also, despite my above complaint, marriage is great.
And yes, Greg, I know I’m supposed to do that 10-item list for which you tagged me. But you can’t jump back into blogging after a two-month-long absence with something like that. You just can’t.
- It’s okay. She knows I love her.
August 17, 2007
I Hate Other Writers
I would just like to say, after reading a fine new feature screenplay by this guy, that I hate other writers.
Stupid, talented people. Why must they exist to feed my self-loathing?
June 21, 2007
And Just a Few Weeks Later …
So I still exist, and I still write things down, and I still blog with the diligence of a baby goldfish, but the main difference, the really essential thing that separates the me who last posted from the current me is that one of us is wearing a ring to match the one pictured below.
In short: got married.
If I’m feeling really nice about it and if my attention doesn’t wander, sometime later you might see an image or so from the happy event and subsequent vacation, but right now, I have more important things to talk about.
I don’t blog to talk about my personal life. It’s not how I roll.
No, the real news here, my friends, is that bare days before being linked up to the beautiful blonde of recent mention, I posted a feature script on
That’s right, with complete disregard for whatever my fellow scribes may eventually say about this script whenever they have a chance to read it, I surged ahead and sent it out into the world all on its own.
It was only the free Inktip 10-day trial, which since expired. But it seemed to be garnering at least a little attention, so I just now this night shelled out the cash to put it back on for the full term of six months.
We’ll see what happens.
If I can get some feedback on it, and make what will hopefully be relatively small corresponding adjustments, I will later start querying it out. That’s a hint to some of you. *Insert Winning Smile Here*
But until that happens, we are moving on.
If you will look to the right, Ladies and Gentlemen, you will see that the “Polygamy Rewrite” has been pushed down in favor of a new spec adaptation, which I am going to refer to for the moment as “The Nightmare.”
Feel thrilled.
I’m excited about this adaptation. I’ve never done one of those, and I really love this source material. And I’m excited about starting my first new script in (I think) eight months.
So scamper off and let me work.
Note for my Xanga-using friends: surprising as it may seem, I am one of the last Blogger bloggers to allow non-Bloggers to comment. So you can keep commenting at my Xanga blog, but you don’t have to.
June 19, 2007

Random Thoughts After Watching Borat
So finally I saw Borat. And it’s really funny, I won’t deny it. I laughed. A lot. And I was watching it alone—I don’t laugh when I watch movies alone.
It’s also quite clear that Sacha Baron Cohen is a genius. Borat is an very smartly-developed character portrayed with stunning consistency throughout the film. It’s too bad for him that Oscars do not get given to comedy actors.
But Borat is a disturbing film in a few ways.
Firstly, it’s a mockumentary. I have no problem with mockumentaries (three cheers for Christopher Guest), but the difference between this and many previous such films is that only (I believe) four of the characters were actors.
So that means I just spent 84 minutes laughing at real people. That smarts a little. I don’t really mind laughing at people when they really deserve it, but one couldn’t help feeling that many of these people were unfairly represented. In the “Southern Manners” scene, for example, it seems pretty clear that the hostility comes after the deception is revealed, but that the reveal itself is edited out. This paints the real people involved in a very negative light.
Which brings me to my next point: editing.
This may be true worldwide; I don’t know. But it is definitely true in America that people do not understand that it is possible to lie in a documentary. Fahrenheit 9/11 probably helped to dispel this misconception a little, but overall I think most people believe whatever TV-like footage you show them.
And that sits a little uncomfortably with me. I don’t like the idea of playing on the audience’s ignorance.
And overall, Borat seems designed to highlight the most outlandish, bigoted, intolerant and insane aspects of middle-class America. Apparently I live in a country populated mostly by racist, sexist, homophobic idiots.
But you know what I thought while watching many of these scenes? “Wow, Americans are really nice people.”
It’s true that some people in the movie have little excuse, however they were edited. That guy at the rodeo who says all gays should be hanged? It’s hard to think of a context in which that could have been an okay statement. That’s pretty damning footage.
But scene after scene depicts people who were manipulated into self-condemnation simply because they didn’t want to be impolite. They wanted to be nice to this strange but friendly foreigner, and they tried to just nod along and ignore some of the crazy things he was saying. And then their responses were quite obviously edited and their intents twisted.
Now, to be clear, I have no sympathy with the people who are suing Fox and Baron Cohen. Suck it up, Cupcake: you signed the release. Next time read more closely.
But I found Borat to be intentionally misleading. I don’t like that. And don’t come telling me it’s okay because it was just a comedy. If anything, that makes it worse.
Lie to someone with a straight face, and they might be able to see through it. But get them laughing, appeal to their sense of the ridiculous, and they’re at your mercy. You can feed them all kinds of half-truths, and they may never notice.
So while I cracked up (and so will you, if you see it), I wasn’t deceived. But that’s only because I keep my brain on at all times.
I guess that’s my moral, if this post has a moral. Keep your brain turned on. There’s no such thing as “pure entertainment.”
March 9, 2007
On to the Next!
So I went to London to see my girlfriend. Man, that girl is haahhhhht:
Anyway, I’m back and ready to go on to my next rewrite, which I call the Polygamy script. Note the new progress bar to the right.
This should kill some time while I wait for notes on the Rom-Com from Greg and Blair and David.
March 8, 2007
Other Eyes
All the cutting is done on my rom-com. I think. It’s six pages longer than I wanted, but I think that might be okay.
While I was at it, I worked in some character development and dialogue adjustments. I could probably keep tweaking this thing indefinitely, but I really feel like it’s very close to finished, so it’s time to get some Other Eyes on it.
Other Eyes are good. They’re fresh, and they can look at things with perspective, whereas I am mired in my own work and may be currently incapable of honest evaluation.
It’s a great feeling.
I did the same thing when I was a graphic design student. In an early 2-D design class, I had to produce a work incorporating (I think) seven different tricks for creating the three-dimensional illusion.
I spent days just thinking about what I was going to do before I ever started drawing. I figured out how I was going to use each and every one of these tools, and also how in the process I was going to paint something totally kick-ass.
I worked it hard, and felt pretty good about my watercolor masterpiece when it was done. The instructor critiqued everyone’s project in class those days, and when he got to mine -
I got 3 out of the 7. Four, if he was being nice. And he probably wasn’t.
If only I’d asked someone else whether they thought the piece was complete, instead of just making an assumption.
You know what happens when you make an assumption?
I’d rather not make an ass out of you and umption when it comes to sending out this script. So hopefully some cat like Greg will be able to help me decide if it’s ready for the world or needs some more TLC.
It better be ready soon. I’m sick of writing comedy.
February 25, 2007